Christmas Day Celebration
“Christmas is a time to cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy.”
Lourdes Central School celebrated Christmas on Friday, 23rdDecember 2016.
The dignitaries of this special occasion were Manager Rev Fr Wilson L Vitus D’Souza, Principal, Rev Fr Robert D’Souza and Vice Principal, Ms Belita Mascarenhas.
Alison Fernandes of class XI compered the programme.
Christmas celebration began with the universal prayer followed by a prayer song rendered by the school choir.
Reon Rodrigues of Class X C welcomed the dignitaries, staff and students for this special occasion of Christmas celebration and also wished Season’s Greetings.
Shaina Rebello of class IX B briefed us on the significance of Christmas.
A short play on the true meaning of Christmas was enacted, accompanied by a song by classes IV and V highlighting that Jesus is the light of the world.
The Principal, Rev Fr Robert D’Souza while addressing the students wished the students and the staff Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. He also briefed us the meaning of Christmas celebration and thanked God for His gifts.
The Presidential address was delivered by our Manager Rev Fr Wilson L Vitus D’Souza. In his message he asked the students to renew their life for the New Year.
Birthday Celebrants were wished by singing a birthday song.
Ms Apoline Lobo, the Primary School Co-ordinator announced the names of the prize winners of Christmas Day Celebration Competitions which was held on 20th December 2016 for Classes I to V. Prize winners of Class XI Cooking without Fire were announced by Ms Roshni Jose, the Senior School Co-ordinator. All the prize winners were honoured by our Manger Rev Fr Wilson L Vitus D’souza .
Gavin Abner Pinto of XI C was given a prize in English Essay Writing conducted by St. Aloysius PU College, Mangalore in collaboration with Daskshina Kannada, Catholic PU Principals’ Association.
Under the guidance Mr Ivan Mascarenhas, Kokanni learning students of class VI to VIII who had presented a variety programme on Christmas celebration at Akashavani , Mangalore were honoured for their participation.
On the joyous occasion of Christmas, children sang the Christmas carols meanwhile delicious Christmas cake was distributed to the children.
Aditya of Class X A proposed the Vote of Thanks and appreciated the organizers of Christmas day celebration.
All the dignitaries were presented with ‘Christmas wreathes’ as a token of Christmas gifts.
Santa’s entry was a surprise to the children, which thrilled them. He wished the gathering a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.
It was an enjoyable celebration for all the Lourdites.
Ms Pamela Miranda