The Parent-Teacher Interactive Session was organized for Class IX on 7th December 2017 at 8.15am in the A.V. Room. The purpose of the meeting was to create a common platform where teachers and parents come together and discuss regarding academics. The meeting was organized under the guidance of the Principal Rev. Fr Robert D’Souza. The Interactive Session began with a prayer song sung by the students of Class IX headed by Mr Ivan Mascarenhas. Welcome address and introduction was given by the Vice Principal Mrs Belita Mascarenhas. Subject teachers briefed about the Annual Examination Question Paper pattern and gave tips to improve learning strategies. The Principal addressed the parents and gave guidelines about the Annual Examination Schedule and asked them to encourage their wards to do self study and attempt all the questions in the question paper. He urged the parents to develop reading habits, have a stipulated time schedule of four to five hours daily for studies and work out mathematics sums for one hour everyday for their wards. He stressed on the importance of the all-round development of the children. He said that according to the CBSE rules, students who secure less than 35% in Annual Examination will have to repeat Class IX. He insisted that students should be present both on re-opening day and closing day of Class X. The Session concluded with the Vote of Thanks by Ms Shamitha Machado.