Kindergarten Cultural Day … “ Cultural Unison “
The Kindergarten section of Lourdes Central School, Bejai, Mangaluru – celebrated their cultural day “Cultural Unision” today the 23rd of February 2016.
The function started at in Bejai Church Hall. The guard of honour gave a singing welcome to the dignitaries.
The children sang a melodious prayer song invoking God’s blessings and also welcomed the guests with their sweet voices followed by a welcome dance.
The K G co-ordinator, Mrs Lydia D’souza welcomed the dignitaries and introduced the Chief Guest Mrs Lugina Miranda, who is a counsellor and Co-ordinator for PGDGC, St Agnes PG and Research Centre, Manager Rev Fr Wilson Vitus D’souza, Principal Rev Fr Robert D’souza, Vice Principal Mrs Belita Mascarenhas, PTEC Vice President Dr Preethi Ballal, and Member of the Management Committee Mr Augustine Rodrigues.
The Principal Rev Fr Robert D’ Souza, presented the Annual Report of the Kindergarten Section and gave a detailed account of the activities of the year.
The Chief Guest spoke on the occasion and expressed her happiness on being here and witnessing the children’s performance. She also spoke on the Challenging tasks of the parents and gave some useful tips on parenting.
The Manager Rev Fr Wilson Vitus D’souza spoke on the occasion and congratulated the teachers and the students who put up such a wonderful show. He told the parents to listen to the children and give them their time and also highlighted the importance of teachers in a student’s life.
The students presented various items like Action Song and Medley Dance by KG 1. The KG 2 presented a dance on Cultural Unision. A short play by 8 candles depicting peace, love, joy, faith, unity, respect, honesty and hope – spoke on how their importance is being lost in this modern world but the last candle the hope brings smiles on everybody’s faces with its meaningful message.
At the end of the programme, the students proposed the Vote of Thanks and concluded with the National Anthem at 12.00 noon.
– Ms Lisa Peris
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