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Founder’s Day Celebration 2025

“The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others, remain as your legacy” – Kalu Ndukwe Kalu

As we are happy that Lourdes Central School has stepped into its twenty sixth year and twenty six years ago, a foundation was laid in line with the quality education by Late Rev. Fr. Bernard L D’Souza, the founder who persists even till date.  To remember and honour the contributions of the founder, the FOUNDER’S DAY was celebrated at Lourdes Central School on 04.02.2025.

The program commenced, as the MC Ms Lisa Peris and the Choir members guided by the Mr Roshan Corderio led the audience in a contemplative mood by reciting the universal prayer followed by Prayer Song. Intentions were read by Ms Lizzy Fernandes.

 Rev. Fr. Johnson L. Sequeira, the Principal, welcomed the dignitaries wholeheartedly, highlighting the importance of the day.

Rev. Fr. Harold DSouza, the brother of late Rev. Fr Bernard L D’Souza, graced the occasion as the Chief guest.  Other esteemed dignitaries present were Rev Dr John Baptist Saldanha, the Manager of Lourdes Central School, the Principal, Vice Principals, Ms Belita Mascarenhas and Ms Anita Thomas, Rev Fr Norman Mathias, Assistant Parish Priest, Mr. Ashok Pinto Vice President of the Bejai Pastoral Parishad.

As a tribute to the founder, Ms Lydia DSouza, a member of the teaching staff shared her experience and highlighted the qualities of the founder such as perfect administrator, crusador for truth and justice, good pastor and hard working. She also stressed that the founder encouraged everyone to work wonder from the available resources and take Lourdes Central School to greater heights.

The Manager Rev Dr John Baptist Saldanha, the Principal, the Vice-Principals and the guests of the programme offered a floral tribute in memory of the founder.

The students of classes 4 and 8 presented the founder’s vision and mission through a dance drama scripted by Ms. Belita Mascarnhas and trained by Ms Shanthi DSouza.

‘Lourdes Olympiad’ a tradition started by the founder to help students to increase their knowledge and motivate them to answer competitive examinations was conducted on 28th January and the winners were awarded during the function.

The Chief Guest Rev. Fr. Harold DSouza emphasised in his address that Late Rev. Fr Bernard L DSouza wanted each child to have basic skills to face the competitive exams and to dream big in order to be good citizens of the society.

The Manager Rev. Dr. John Baptist Saldanha addressed the students that Late Rev. Fr Bernard L D’Souza is the foundation for the modern Bejai Parish and a person of hard work who involved himself in the foundation of the school. Further, he advised the students to be more responsible citizens of the society.

The dignitaries and the students of grade 3 prayed at the tomb of Late Rev. Fr. Bernard.

The vote of thanks was delivered by Ms. Dilla Colaco. The programme was concluded by singing the School Anthem.