National Sports Day 2024
National sports day was celebrated in Lourdes central school during the morning assembly on August 29 2024 to mark the birth anniversary of a Major Dhyan Chand commonly known as The Hockey Wizard. The assembly began with the introductory note read by the host Adwaith of class 6 D. The words of the sports legend Major Dhyan Chand which carried immense power, inspired various sports personalities in our country and all over the world were as follows
Mushkilon se bhag jana hota hai asaan
Jindgi ka har pal hota hai imtihaan
Darne walon ko jindgi me milta nahi kuch
Ladne walon ke kadamon me hota hai jahan.
Followed by the introductory note, Adwaith of class 6 gave a brief introduction the day’s celebration. The school choir sang a prayer song Neele Aasman which was a melodious whisper to the almighty.
The preamble of the constitution was recited. Bhuvi of class 6 read out the significance of the day. Major Dhyan Chand’s words“The game is played with the mind as much as with the body. Keep your focus and success will follow,” Truely inspired every lourdite whose mind is inclined towards excellence in sports. Diya Alva of class 10 enumerated the importance of the day’s celebration which helped every staff and student to have a positive outlook towards sports.
Athish and team of class 9 enacted a short play which highlighted the life struggles of Indian athletes who were a part of Paris Olympics 2024. The astounding performance inspired every lourdite to respect the sports personalities of our country. Prithika of class 6 read the news headlines. Vice Principal Ms. Belita Mascharenas’s words of wisdom added vibrant colours to the day’s celebration. She thanked all the physical education teachers of Lourdes Central School for their dedicated service to the institution. She also appreciated the students for their presentation. The assembly was conducted by the students of class 6, 9 and 10 under the guidance of physical education teacher Ms Triveni. Adwaith and Zoya of class 6 compered for the assembly.