The Parent Teacher interactive session for class XI was held on Thursday, 8th June 2017 in school A V Room at 8.30 AM. The meeting was attended by the principal Rev Fr Robert D’souza , Vice Principal Mrs Belita Mascarenhas and all higher secondary teachers and parents of class XI students. M C of the Programme was Mrs. Sharmila Colaco. The session began with a Prayer song sung by the students of class XII under the guidance of Mr Ivan Mascarenhas. The Coordinator Mrs Roshini Jose welcomed the gathering and all faculty members introduced themselves. Mrs Anita Thomas, the Discipline Co-ordinator with Mr Girish S gave a Power point presentation. The purpose is to create a common platform, where teachers and parents come together to enrich the students’ educational experience, and discuss variety of issues regarding all round development of students, rules and regulations, examination and remedial classes. Principal addressed the gathering highlighting on parents encouraging their wards to get some time for personal study. Later he asked for the queries and suggestions for improvement. Parent teacher representatives were selected. Class XI A Dr Vasudhev pai father of Shreyas, class XI B Mrs Kavya mother of Kaustubh, Class XI C Mrs Sunitha mother of Lakshith. The meeting wound up with the vote of thanks by Mrs Sreelatha P V.
-Ms Bindiya S
Senior Secondary Teacher