Report on – ‘A Way to Good Health’
There’s nothing more important than our good health-that’s our principal asset~Arlen Specter.
The Health Programme – “A Way to Good Health” commenced on 24th October 2016. During the general assembly Zayed of class 12 A spoke on the importance of health. He said that we need to take care of hygiene and sanitation around us. We must eat healthy food for the physical and mental fitness of a person to be successful and contribute positively to the society. We must keep our mind and body clean .We must drink pure water to keep away from infectious diseases.
Nidhi of class class 7B also spoke on the importance of Health. She said that good nutrition combined with physical activities like exercise and yoga and a balanced diet are the key factors for maintaining health and to stay away from diseases. We must follow proper hygiene and disciplined life style. Our Social health like behavior and interaction with people must be good. We must take care of our mental health to learn and grow intellectually. Take care of Spiritual health to control emotions and express appropriately.
An informative hindi skit was enacted by students of class 7 A and B on health and hygiene. Oral health check up was conducted for the Kindergarten Section.
Talk on Health issues was arranged for KG to XII.
Later during the day informative talk was held for classes 6 and 7 on Oral Hygiene and Dental Care. A team of dentists headed by Dr. Roshan Shetty from A J Hospital enlightened our students with ORAL HEALTH. They showed slides on Anti Smoking Campaign. Smoked form(cigarette and beedi) and smokeless form(pan and gutka), the presence of nicotine and the dangerous effects of it on the human mind, heart and mouth. They also discussed on first hand smoking, second hand smoking and third hand smoking.
They showed slides on decolouration of teeth and cavities. Treatment for the cavities like silver filling, composite filling, root canal, crown, teeth removal, bridge and implants were discussed. Proper method of brushing teeth was demonstrated. Students were educated by the dentists-why to brush twice a day and to keep the plaque away.
Classes 4 and 5 were also given a talk on Oral Hygiene on 25-10-2016.
On 25-10-2016 class 1, on 26-10-2016 class 2 and on 27-10-2016 class 3 had a health check up on Speech and Hearing.
On 26-10-2016 talk was conducted by Dr. Rathi Devi on Adolescence for girls of class 9 and 10.It was more of an interactive session. Girls asked several questions related to their teenage problems and Dr. Rathi answered positively. Dr. Rathi a Gynecologist also spoke on the physical changes that take place in girls during adolescence.
On 27-10-2016 -Dr. Rajesh of KMC spoke to the boys of class 9 and 10 on adolescence. He spoke on anger management during this adolescence period and the physical changes that occur in boys during this adolescence period.
On 27-10-2016 talk was conducted on adolescence for the boys and girls of class 8.
On 28-10-2016 Class 11 and 12 students had a talk on Aids Awareness Programme and Drug Abuse. The resource person of the day Dr. Neeta Kamath discussed the modes of transmission of Aids, symptoms, high risk groups, stages of the disease and progession from HIV to Aids. She also spoke on the diagnosis of Aids by blood test ELISA, our responsibility to take care and to support people with Aids/HIV.
Mr. Sukesh of NITTE spoke on Drug Abuse. He discussed on the impact and effects. He highlighted on Drug Addiction, reasons for starting drugs and commonly used drugs. He also spoke on as to how to stay away from drugs.
The Health Finale was conducted on 28-10-2016 in the school auditorium. The programme began with a prayer song. The students of class 8 sang a melodious on ‘Health’. Meghana Kashyap of class 10 B spoke on Health-by giving some tips. They are- eat healthy breakfast, drink fresh fruit juice, wake up early, do yoga, go for a evening walk etc.
Ms Sreelatha class 12 teacher gave a very informative talk on Good health.She said following good health tips early in one’s life is good for the lifelong benefit of one’s life. She said we should eat nutritious food in time, especially homemade food, to avoid junk food. To keep our energy at high level we need to do exercise and yoga daily for the buildup of muscles, blood circulation and for immunity. She also spoke on personal hygiene and to keep the surrounding clean .To practice to do meditation to keep away from stress and anxiety, go early to bed for relaxation of body and have a positive thinking.
Our beloved Principal Rev. Fr Robert D’Souza enlightened us by saying that ‘Health is Wealth and if Health is lost we lose everything’ .He told the students to wake up early and take active part in outdoor games and keep away from playing with technology. He thanked the team members of this programme Ms Harshita Shetty, Ms Linet D’Souza and Ms Sucheta for arranging informative talks to the students and conducting health checkups during this memorable Health Week. Father Principal also thanked all the staff members and the students who were involved in the programme. Jason of class 8 proposed the vote of thanks.Marc Lobo of class 10 B compeered the whole programme which was appreciated by the whole gathering.
The greatest wealth is health.
Ms Chandini Chitraveer