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“BLAZE 2016”

AICS Basketball Tournament was organinzed and hosted by Lourdes Central School, Bejai, Mangaluru on 4th of November, 2016 at LCS open ground and Mangala Stadium simultaneously. With an objective of encouraging the young talented students of various schools of South Canara & Udupi districts. 23 teams of Under 17 boys and girls participated in this mega tournament.

The Chief Guest of the day, Mr J. R. Lobo, Honorable Member of the Legislative Assembly was accompanied by the eminent personalities, the Manager of LCS, Rev. Fr Wilson L. Vitus D’Souza, Principal, LCS Rev. Fr Robert D’Souza, Vice-Principal Ms Belita Mascarenhas, Dr. John Pinto, Director of 1st grade College Kavoor, Mangaluru. Mr Stany Vas, Vice-President of Bejai Parish Pastoral Committee, Mrs. Aarthi Shetty Vice-President of PTEC, Fr Walter D’Mello, Fr Stany Pinto and management committee members were present.

The Vice-Principal Ms Belita Mascarenhas welcomed the gathering. Chief Guest Mr J. R. Lobo, inaugurated AICS Basketball Tournament 2016 by lighting the lamp. He addressed the gathering and motivated the students to participate in extracurricular activities apart from their regular curriculum for their overall development. Addressing the players Mr J R Lobo said that their participation is the first step towards success. He reiterated that participation is the greatest achievement. He congratulated LCS for organizing AICS Basketball Tournament 2016.

The President of the function Rev. Fr Wilson L Vitus D’Souza, in his Presidential address congratulated the Principal and Staff for organising this event. He also encouraged the participant players to exhibit their talents and not to give up in life.

The dignitaries shot the ball at the Basketball court to mark the beginning of the tournament. All the participants along with the team managers witnessed the same.

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