Lourdes Central School with great honour and pride celebrated the feast of its Patroness, Our Lady of Lourdes on 11-02-2017.
The programme started with the morning assembly. The Manager Rev. Fr Wison V D’Souza, The Principal Rev. Fr Robert D’Souza, Vice Principal Ms Belita Macarenhas, member of the management Committee Ms Adelaide D’Sa, Mr Stany Vas, Vice President Bejai Parish Parishad were present.
The Chief guests of the function were Sr. Theresa Deepika and Sr. Lavina Maria from the Little sisters of the Poor, Bajjodi, Nantoor-whose simple and humble faces added a meaning to the celebration.
The programme began with a prayer song and the welcome address by the Vice Principal Ms Belita Macarenhas. Rhea of class IX B highlighted the significance of the day followed by a series of hyms praising the Lady of Lourdes by the school choir.
Later the Principal in his address wished all Lourdites a happy feast and also imparted the message to be considerate to the sick and marginalised as Feb 11 was also the International Day for the sick. He thanked everyone for joining the campaign to help the old and the helpless where students have contributed and collected simple sanitary goods and other items needed for daily use.
The chief Guest Sr. Lavina Maria who works with the old and the sick of all communities mentioned the need to care and love the older generation and asked the students to develop true love for one another.
The Manager Rev. Fr Wilson V D’Souza in his address spoke of the importance of the place in Lourdes and gave the message to be prayerful, loving, forgiving and respect elders.
Later Fr Principal handed over the collected items as a token of love, collected by the students to the Little Sisters of the poor.
Later Principal and the Manager felicitated the staff for their punctuality in attendance.
In students category Tusya Megan of class X D who is a National Level Athlete and Shriyana Mallya of class I C who excelled in Chess were honoured. Meghana Kashyap was appreciated for her all round performance.
At the end of the programme Aarol of Class IX A delivered the Vote of Thanks.
Students also performed a Konkani dance depicting Indian Culture as an ending to the programme.