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Talk on Cancer Awareness by Dr Venkatesh Sanjeev

Date : 22/09/2017
Venue: LCS Audio Visual Room

 Cancer Awareness Programme on 22.9.2017

‘Cancer is really hard to go through and its really hard to watch someone you love go through and I know because I have been on both sides of the equation’ – Cynthia Nixon on her and her mother’s battle with breast cancer.

The awareness programme was held on 22.9.2017 in the  AV room for the staff and parents of Lourdes Central School. The resource person was Dr Venkatesh Sanjeeva MBBS, MS , FRCS(Edinburg), FRCS ( Glasgow), consultant surgeon and specialist in gastro intestinal and breast surgery.

The programme began with a prayer song led by Mr Roshan and team.

Mrs.Linet Pereira introduced Dr Sanjeeva and welcomed the gathering.

Dr Sanjeeva’s commitment to create awareness about the disease has led him to conduct similar programmes in various institutions.

Using power point presentation Dr Sanjeeva made us aware of the risk factors and the need for early and expert screening which can go a long way towards early detection and cure of cancer. He also stressed upon positive thinking  and follow up care provided by the doctor. He also dispelled many misconceptions and worries regarding the disease. At the end he distributed leaflets on self examination. On the whole it was a very informative session.

Mrs Matilda gave the vote of thanks. The MC Ms Meghana wound up the programme.









