Art Integrated Project – Term1-2022
Art Integrated Project was conducted in Lourdes Central School on 19th July 2022 for classes I to X to promote art integrated learning and make teaching learning Competency-Based and joyful. The Project for the students of the schools in the State of Karnataka was based on the art form of Uttarakhand. The students were encouraged to take up the following Art Integrated Projects:
1. Class I : Sketching – Clothes
2. Class II : Clay Modeling – Clothes
3. Class III : Jewelry of Uttarakhand and Karnataka
4. Class IV : Poetry of Uttarakhand and Karnataka
5. Class V : Culinary Art of Uttarakhand and Karnataka
6. Class VI : Traditional Toys of Uttarakhand and Karnataka with Paper
Mache or Paper Quilling
7. Class VII : Creating Art Reservoir Using Waste Material – Land forms of Uttarakhand or Karnataka
8. Class VIII : Tourist Brochure to Uttarakhand
9. Class IX : Comparative Study of Fauna in Uttarakhand and Karnataka
10. Class X : Cultural Heritage of Uttarakhand and Karnataka (Dance,
Music, Dress, Food)
All students actively took part in this project. They were given proper guidance by the art teachers and subject teachers to undertake the various projects. It gave an opportunity to the students to get hands-on experience. The project was taken up in an eco-friendly manner, using readily available local resources. Marks were awarded for these projects, as part of subject enrichment activity. On the whole, this Art Integrated Project has made the students aware of the vast and diverse cultural heritage of our country.