Investiture ceremony 2019-20
“The youth of today are leaders of tomorrow” – Nelson Mandela
In today’s trying times, the world needs more young people to step up and take up the mantle of leadership. At Lourdes Central School, students are given the opportunity to display their leadership by being a part of the school Cabinet. The Investiture Ceremony for instating the new Cabinet for the year 2019-2020 was held on the 14th of June, in the roof-top auditorium of the school. The President of the Ceremony, Manager Rev. Fr. Wilson L Vitus Dsouza, the Guest of Honour Rev. Fr. Francis Assisi D’Almeida, Principal Rev. Fr. Robert D’souza and vice Principal Belita Mascarenhas were escorted by the newly-elected Head Boy Danish Pinto and Head Girl Parvathy Menon. The program started with the school choir leading the Lourdites into prayer. Jane Rachel D’sa of class 12 welcomed the gathering, followed by the dignitaries lighting the lamp.
Rev. Fr. Francis Assisi D’Almeida addressed the gathering, elucidating on the qualities of a leader (namely, honesty, clarity of thought and decision-making) and stressing on the fact that there is a leader in everybody.
The Manager Rev. Fr. Wilson L Vitus Dsouza advised the new Cabinet to help their peers inculcate good qualities and requested them to uphold the traditions of the Institution.
The Principal administered the oath to the Cabinet and the Manager conferred them their badges. Prominent cabinet members included the Head Boy Danish Pinto, Head Girl Parvathy Menon, Deputy Head boy Rion Jayden Valdar and Deputy Head girl Heba Basher Ibrahim . The program concluded with Head Boy Danish Pinto delivering the Vote of Thanks. The teachers in-charge of the ceremony were Ms Anita Thomas, Ms. Bindiya and Mr. Henry Mascarenhas. The program was compered by Shalom Fernandes and Luke Fernandes.