LCS CLUBS FINALE-28th February 2020
LCS Clubs Finale
The essence of education is to help you discover your uniqueness, teach you how to develop it, and show you how to give it. ~~Leo Buscaglia
LCS Clubs finale was held on 28th February 2020.The dignitaries Rev Fr Robert D’Souza our beloved Principal, Chief Guest of the day Ms Anjana Kamath, a child educator, Vice Principal Ms Belita Mascarenhas were escorted to the venue by the Band club. The programme began by invoking God’s Blessing. Prayer song was sung by members of the Music club.
Vraddhi V Jain of class 6A and member of Heritage Club welcomed the gathering.
Tiny tots showcased their talents in Bharatnatya. There was a grand spectacular display by the members of Bulbuls, Cubs, Guides and Scouts. A beautiful play was put up by the member of the theatrical club. The Eco Club members presented their Annual Report for the outstanding work conducted by them. A lovely dance display was performed by the member of the Dance club. Kathak(Solo)was performed by Ms Neetu Srikanth Bhat-Bharatayatyam teacher.
The chief guest Ms Anjana Kamath addressed the students by saying that School Clubs fire a Child’s imagination. One should value children’s talents. Children should enjoy school. They should enjoy their present. They should make good memories. They should live their dreams together and live their life to the fullest. They should lead their life by themselves. Clubs help to motivate and inculcate the talents of the children and help them to enhance their knowledge.
Our Vice Principal Ms Belita Mascarenhas encouraged the students and told them to take active part in their club activities.
As a token of appreciation Rev Fr Robert D’ Souza, Principal honoured students and teachers of Eco Club, Band Club and Craft Club for their outstanding work.
Vote of thanks was delivered by Samruddh Pai of class 8B.As a token of gratitude Father Principal presented a memento to the Chief Guest.
The programme was concluded by singing the School Anthem. The students of Theatrical Club (Juniors) compeered the programme.
Your talent is God’s gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God.