LCS Colloquium – 2022
Education is a shared commitment between dedicated teachers, motivated students and enthusiastic parents.
LCS COLLOQUIUM – 2022, An Academic Seminar for Parents, teachers and students was held at Bejai Church Hall on 19 March 2022 for the students and parents of class 10 and 12 batch of 2022-23. The dignitaries present on the dais were Rev. Dr John Baptist Saldanha , Manager LCS, Rev Fr Robert Dsouza, Principal LCS ,the guest speakers of the day- Dr Nillan Shetty, Principal , AJ Institute of Dental Science and Prof. Charles V Furtado, Associate Professor of English St Aloysius, Mangalore, Rev. Fr Anush D Chuna, Rev Fr Suraj Lobo, Bejai Parish and Ms Belita Mascarenhas,Vice Principal, LCS .
The programme started with a prayer Dance. Sonia Lasrado of Class X welcomed the gathering. Students of class 11 performed a thematic skit highlighting the role played by teachers and parents in students’ life. The toppers of class 9 and 11 were honoured by the dignitaries for excelling in their academics and co-curricular activities.
Rev. Dr John Baptist Saldanha, the President of the function in his key note address motivated the students to be focused and most of all be respectful and acknowledge the valuable presence of parents in their life. He also encouraged the parents to guide their ward in pursuing their studies and give services to the nation. The guest speakers Dr . Nillan Shetty and Prof. Charles V Furtado were felicitated by the dignitaries.
Then the first speaker Dr Nillan Shetty in his talk urged the parents to befriend their children. He also told the students to overcome the area of forgetfulness by being proactive, using a few study-tips like space repetition ,use of flow chart, mind map . He stressed on the phrase ‘No Pain No Gain’ that there is no replacement for hardwork .
Prof. Charles V Furtado congratulated LCS for carrying on the mission of educating the students even during the pandemic. He urged the students to set long term goal that guides one to know what to be and short term goals which says what to do . He emphasised on choosing a career that makes one happy and to work towards it. He motivated the parents to stand by their wards and help them realise their true potential.
The programme followed with a Question & Answer Session for the parents and students.
Rev Fr Robert Dsouza, Principal LCS addressed the gathering and thanked the esteemed speakers of the day for their insightful talk. He appreciated the students for their participation during the event and encouraged them to aim high and not to give up .
Elishia Baptist of class X proposed the Vote of thanks. The programme was compered by Brinda and Riddhi of class 11. The program ended with the National Anthem.