Every child is a different kind of flower and all together make this world a beautiful garden. Lourdes Central School celebrated Children’s Day on 15th November 2018 at the LCS open grounds. The dignitaries present on the occasion were Very Rev. Msgr. Maxim Noronha, Vicar General, Diocese of Mangalore and the Vice President of Catholic Board of Education, Rev. Fr Wilson Vitus D’Souza, Manager LCS, Rev. Fr Robert D’Souza, Principal LCS, Rev. Fr Vinod Lobo, Assistant Parish Priest, Bejai Church, Ms Stany Vas, Vice President Bejai Parish Pastoral Parishad, Management Committee member Ms Adelaide D’Sa, Vice Principal Mrs Belita Mascarenhas and twenty student representatives to mark the twenty glorious years of Lourdes Central School.
The Programme began at 9.00am with a prayer song sung by the teachers of LCS. The Principal Rev. Fr Robert D’Souza welcomed the august gathering and introduced the President of the function Very Rev. Msgr. Maxim Noronha. The Principal wished the students and quoted the words of Pope Francis that we must reaffirm the right of children to grow up in a family, with a Father and Mother.
Light symbolises knowledge, truth and triumph. The dignitaries lit the lamp and inaugurated the event.
A floral welcome was given to the student representatives. The Chief Guest of the function, Head Girl Eva Jessica D’Souza expressed her thoughts on behalf of the entire student community and was thankful for being a part of the Lourdite family where the family may not be bound by blood but by hearts.
The Manager Rev. Fr Wilson Vitus D’Souza in his message emphasised that we must make sure that children are protected for they are the future bearers of the nation and to collectively take an oath for the safety of children.
The President of the function Very Rev. Msgr. Maxim Noronha, Vicar General, Diocese of Mangalore and the Vice President of Catholic Board of Education appreciated and congratulated the management and staff members for LCS is not just a pearl in the Diocese but has made a name in the whole district. He wished all the best for today’s programme and said that education should multiply the students’ knowledge and open the horizons of the universe not only for education but also personality development.
The Head Boy Adithya Desai proposed the vote of thanks.
The dignitaries of the day released the balloons and the President of the function Very Rev. Msgr. Maxim Noronha declared the ‘LCS Regale 2018’ open.
The guests inaugurated the food stalls from the finest boutique Hotel Gold Finch and the various games stalls put up by the teachers which included Finding the Ball, Drop the Coin, Walk on the Brick, Car Race, Marble Game, Ringing the Bail, Magic with Cups and Toothpicks, Balancing the Bottle, Picking Confetti, Dice, Above Below Exact, Ping Pong, Coloured Cups, Wheel of Fortune, Jonny Walker, Chinese Checkers and Carom Board.
This was followed by the Cultural Programme put up by students and parents.