LCS Vanamahotsava 2021
“In every walk of nature one receive for more than he seeks” – John Mir
The week-long Vanamahotsava celebration was held with immense zeal and enthusiasm amongst the Lourdites from 28th June to 3rd July.
On the first day the students were introduced to Vanamahotsava theme “ A Tree of life” The teachers gave a brief description about usefulness of plants and trees. A video was show wherein, Amber Furtdao of class 9B spoke on the importance of trees. The video then showed the greenery around the school showing the beautiful flowery plants, herbal trees and other exotic Bonsai plants.
On the second day a beautiful video on ‘Nature’ was shown to the students. “A prayer for the Earth” students of senior grade presented PPT on “Trees are the roots of our existence” where each presentation, was an eye opener for the viewers, which was highly educative and informative.
On the third day the video on “Save tree save nature” was truly mesmerizing as we could see students of different grades right from Class IV to XII present their gardens at home describing the ways they take part in nurturing their garden at home. “Salumaradu Timmakka” was highlighted and her good works on tree plantation was exhibited.
The fourth day was unique as all Lourdites came up to plant saplings in their own homes and the activity was truly encouraging and a learning experience for all Lourdites. The highlight was a video which showed our Lourdies of Class IX and X singing the song on Environment with great happiness and joy. The singers brought an awareness on all aspects of the environment.
The fifth day students took part in various in-house competitions connected to the Environment. The competitions were as follows:
Speech on various topics on ‘Save Trees’, Origami competition, wall hanging, slogan writing, Poster making, etc. All the activities and competitions were based on Nature and conservation of trees and plants.
The valedictory programme of LCS Vanamahotsava week was held in the School Lobby on 2nd July 2021. The programme began by invoking Almighty’s blessings through a prayer song. Ms Lisa Peres welcomed the gathering. Ms. Sangeetha Salins enlightened about importance of the day. A sapling was planted by the Manager, Rev. Dr J B Saldanha along with Principal Rev. Fr Robert D’Souza, the Vice-Principal Ms. Belita Mascarenhas and members of the staff to mark the occasion. The Manager Rev. Dr J B Saldanha, in his address stated that Bejai is known as the Manhattan of Mangalore but sadly, the greenery is sacrificed to make way for buildings. He highlighted that we do not need acres of land to plant a sapling but can do so in our apartments and kitchens too. He also encouraged all the students to plant at least one sapling to increase the greenery and the level of oxygen in the environment. Vote of thanks was delivered by Ms Anitha Pinto. The entire programme was compered by Ms Lisa Peres.
The Committee Members of the Programme Ms Harshitha Shetty, Ms Flavia Reena Dcunha and Ms Mary D’Souza have done remarkable work to instil the love for the environment amongst all Lourdites.
Save the trees,
Save the Earth
We are the guardians of nature’s birth.