Maths Week 2022
Mathematics gives us hope that every problem has a solution.
Mathematics is an interesting and brainstorming subject. To make the students understand that Math is an easy subject and they can learn it with ease, LCS Math week was celebrated in Lourdes Central School from 19th December to 22nd December 2022. The project was inaugurated by the Principal Rev Fr. Robert D’Souza on 19th December by projecting a miniature tree house on which various solid shapes were hung. The week was filled with various competitions and activities that encouraged the students to involve themactively.
The morning assemblies were filled with Math songs composed by students and sang melodiously to the foot tapping tunes which meant that Maths is fun. Students spoke on the great mathematicians and their contributions. Students prepared beautiful Mathematic charts and decorated their classes.
Students enthusiastically participated in the exhibition and made wonderful and amazing models on the topics given which brought out creativity in solving Mathematics problems. The topics for the Math exhibition were as follows – KG 1 & 2 – Fun with shapes, Class 2- Make a clock, Class 2 – Represent fractions on the chart by giving two examples each, Class 3- Models on fractions, Class 4- Models on fractions, Class 5- Wall hanging made of plane figures, Class 6- Tangram and objects made of solid shapes , Class 7- Warli art and Aipan art, Class 8- History of mathematicians including the great mathematicians and their contributions, different types of quadrilaterals, any three polyhedrons/platonic solids, tessellation. Subject enrichment activities were conducted for classes 9 to 12.
The students made different models both still as well as working models. The students also presented the models and explained the topics vibrantly.Math finale assembly was conducted on 22nd December. Students of class 7 presented a heart touching skit by giving value to the least number “0”and highlighting the message that we should always lift others and join hands with them, instead of showing hatred. Prizes were distributed for the winners of various competition conducted on account of Math Week.
Math Week concluded with a beautiful message to be pondered
Life is a Math equation
In order to gain the most
You have to know how to convert
Negatives into positives.