Parent Teacher Interactive Session 2022- Class 1
Connecting school and home makes us a great community of learners.
The Parent Teacher interactive of class I commenced at 8.30 a.m. with a prayer song by the students of class 1 Ms. Pamela Miranda welcomed the gathering. The subject teachers introduced themselves & Ms. Sunitha and Ms Sunitha, Exam cell co-ordinator briefed the examination pattern and assessments.
Ms Apoline Lobo, the discipline in-charge for primary section, enlightened the gathering about the rules and regulations of the school. She informed and guided the parents about home food, personal hygiene, punctuality etc. The PTA members for the year 2022-23 were elected from classes 1 ABCD
Class 1A –VeenaDsouza
Class 1B –Prima Dsouza
Class 1C-Divya Dwivedi
Class 1D-Pradeep Naik
All queries of parents regarding curricular and co- curricular activities were cleared by the Principal. There were queries about the hand writing pattern in English, Kannada and Hindi for which Father Principal assured the parents that the pattern of letters would be sent in Whatsapp group. Fr Principal thanked parents for attending the meeting. Fr also enlightened the parents about the students’ health. He also stressed on car pooling and requested parents to follow the school rules whole heartedly. The interactive session wound up with vote of thanks by Sowmya Nayaki at 9:30am.