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The interactive Session for the parents of Class X was held on 5th June 2017 at 8:30am in the Audio Visual Room.

Fr. Principal, Vice-Principal, Parents and Teachers teaching Class X were present.

The Session commenced by invoking God’s blessings through a Prayer Song.

Ma’am Shaila Pereira welcomed the parents, and all present for the session.

All Subject teachers of Class X introduced themselves to the parents.  Ma’am Deepa and Ma’am  Anita Thomas briefed the parents through PPT, the aims and Objectives / Rules and Regulations of the school. Ma’am Gretta Menezes presented the new system of Examination and gave all necessary information on Assessment in scholastic and co-scholastic areas .  The parents expressed their views and clarified doubts.

 The following Parents volunteered to represent the class of their ward for the PTEC.

10A     – Dr Jyothi Lobo

10B     – Mrs Thomas

10C     – Mrs Rosy

10D     – Mr. Monga

The Principal Rev. Fr. Robert D’souza addressed the Parents and proudly announced the 100% results of Class X and Class X11.

Fr. Principal gave a few insights as to how students can reach their highest potential in the classroom.

  1. Stressed the importance of parental involvement in their studies.
  2. To read the rules and regulations in the students Diary.
  3. Mobile usage ethics.
  4. To confine whatsapp chatting to academics only.
  5. To monitor their wards at
  6. A timetable to be maintained for their wards studies.
  7. To meet Teachers regularly.

Fr. Principal assured parents that their wards are in safe hands and quality education would be imparted to them. He also  thanked each one them for their support.

Vote of Thanks was delivered by Ms. Dilla Colaco.

Interactive session concluded at 10:00 am.