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Parent-Teacher Interactive Session of Grade 3 to 5 – 2024

The parent-teacher interactive session for the classes III to V was held in the Bejai Church Hall on 12th June 2024 at 8:30 am.

The programme commenced by invoking God’s presence through a prayer song by the students of class IV and V.

Ms Lolita Mascarenhas welcomed the gathering.

Manager Rev Fr J.B. Saldanha introduced the new principal Rev Fr Johnson Lawrence Sequeira and briefed the parents about him. He also appreciated and thanked the former principal Rev Fr Robert Dsouza. Fr Manager interacted with the parents and enlightened them about the school, infrastructure and the various ways of how Lourdes Central School will improvise and upgrade the quality of education in the days to come.

The teachers introduced themselves to the parents along with a short briefing on the subjects they teach, academics and activities through a power point presentation.

The floor was then kept open for the parents to raise their queries and concerns pertaining to the academics and common concerns. The principal and the vice principal responded to the queries at the same time.  

Ms Shanthi Menezes requested the parents to volunteer to be the members of the Parent-Teacher Executive Committee (PTEC) and the following parents (one from each class) volunteered are;

Class III A: Ms Ranjitha Rao Dias P/O Rapheal Aron Dias

Class III B: Ms Poornima Maller P/O Ankita Shenoy

Class III C: Ms Nafeesa Sanjum P/O Mariam Amrah

Class III D: Mr Sandeep Kumar Vimal P/O Advait Vimal

Class IV A:

Class IV B: Ms Sanobar Shaikh P/O Subhan Baig

Class IV C: Ms Taaniya P/O Arsh

Class IV D: Ms Tabseera Kousar P/O Zara Abdul Rauf

Class V A: Mr Shukaraj Kottary P/O Shanvi S Kottary

Class V B: Mr Vincent Dsouza P/O Ryan Prakash Dsouza

Class V C: Mr Deepak T P/O Viraj Deepak M

Class V D: Mr Eldaman Thomas P/O Edelzio Eldaman

The Principal, Rev. Fr. Johnson L Sequeira then addressed the gathering. In his address, he congratulated the new parents who chose this school for their wards. He encouraged the parents to make their wards independent and develop study habits. He also stressed to send healthy food and to read the diary and abide by the rules and regulations. He also urged the parents to follow the traffic rules and to car-pool.

The parents were given an opportunity to speak and their doubts in regards with the general queries of the children were clarified.

The vote of thanks was proposed by Ms Theresa Monteiro, Ms Sowmya K compered the program.

The meeting concluded at 9.50 am and helped to create a strong relationship between the School and the Parent fraternity.