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Preschool Opening Day 2024

“The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you”. 

10th June 2024 marked the beginning of an exciting adventure for the tiny tots as they embarked on the first day at Lourdes Central Preschool. The morning was filled with anticipation and curiosity for both the parents and the children. The day kicked off with an inaugural program which had praise and petitions to God by the teachers of the kindergarten section. The parents and the little ones were welcomed by Ms Jennifer Menezes, class teacher of Pre KG. The Principal Rev Fr Johnson L Sequeira welcomed the gathering and appreciated the parents for instilling values and discipline which was seen as all the little ones were seated attentively for today’s program. He highlighted that Lourdes Central School is a happy school with smiling faces. The Principal then inaugurated the Pre KG furniture, books, toys and teaching aids. The Principal also opened the entrance of the Preschool Class. The parents then made beautiful memories by getting captured in a picture with Fr Principal.

The children were then led to their class where they spent a few hours getting adapted to the new school environment. A day of gentle firsts, from shy hellos to cranky tantrums and a tangible memory of the first day, the start of many more joyful learning experiences to come.