Principal’s Birthday Celebration -2022
Dedicating one’s entire life to the service of humanity is a calling, a vocation that only the truly blessed can.
To appreciate the immense work one does for the school and also to show the love each Lourdite has for their Fr Principal a grand B’day celebration was held at LCS.
29th March 2022 was an auspicious day at Lourdes Central School as we celebrated the birthday of our dynamic Principal Fr Robert D’Souza. It was a joyful occasion where the LCS family came together to greet and wish Father Principal a very Happy Birthday and also to invoke God’s blessings upon him.
The dignitaries present on the occasion were the Manager Rev. Dr John Baptist Saldanha, Assistant Parish Priest Suraj Lobo and FrAnushD’Cunha, Mr Ashok Pinto, Vice President and Mrs Preethi Gomes, Secretary, Bejai Parish Pastoral Parishad, Mrs Belita Mascarenhas, Vice Principal, Head Boy Srijith Hegde and Head girl Richelle Saldanha of Lourdes Central school.
The programme commenced with the universal prayer, followed by the prayer song by the school choir and also the intentions were placed before our Heavenly Father. Amber Furtado of class X C welcomed the gathering. This was followed by words of appreciation from MsHarshitha Shetty. She thanked Father Principal for influencing everyone’s life positively with his great deeds and his dedication to the Lourdite family, his disciplined life style, tactful in dealing with parents, students, workers and so on. On behalf of all the lourdites, Ayush Shetty of class XIB thanked Fr Principal for all his hard work and service towards Lourdes and wished him a long life filled with love, joy and happiness.
The Manager Rev. Dr John Baptist Saldanha spoke on the occasion and thanked the Principal for climbing the ladder of success through his dynamic leadership. He appreciated his integrity and commitment towardsthe upcoming of the school.
The students of LCS wished Father Principal with their melodious singing and prayed to God that he may have laughter in his life and find peace and happiness in everything he did. Radiant flower bearing plants were offered on this occasion by all the class representatives as a token of love and affection to the Principal.
A wonderful dance drama was enacted by the students of class X and XII which portrayed the eventful journey of Fr Principal’s activities during the Pandemic and how we marched ahead inspite of barriers. Father Principal expressed his joy and thankfulness for the wonderful programme.
Prachi and Deon of class VIII compered the programme meticulously. Head girl Richelle Saldanha of class XII A delivered the Vote of Thanks.
At noon all the staff gathered in the AV room to greet Fr Principal and for a fellowship meal. Ms Belita Mascarenhas compered the programme. Ms Seema Lobo welcomed the gathering and a beautiful video gathering all the sentiments and birthday wishes of his family members were displayed on the screen. Birthday song was sung by the staff of LCS on this remarkable day. Father Principal thanked each and every one for being a part of his life and part of the celebration. The programme was followed by a sumptuous meal and smile of gratitude on all the staff for the bond of togetherness.