Social Science Exhibition 2020

“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.” -Albert Einstein
Lourdes Central School was once again in lime light for successfully conducting a virtual Social Science Exhibition “Explore the World” for classes I to VIII on 21st November 2020.
The exhibition had a formal inauguration in the A.V room with a prayer song. Ms Apoline Lobo welcomed the gathering. Principal Rev. Fr Robert D Souza officially inaugurated the exhibition by opening the gift box and displaying the globe which read ‘Explore the World’.
The Principal spoke on the occasion and motivated all the students to take part actively. The Vice Principal Ms BelitaMascarenhesspoke and urged the students to be eco-friendly and save the world.
The inaugural ceremony ended with the Vote of Thanks by Ms SangeethaSalins.
The students presented various topics according to their age level.The topics for each class were as follows:
Class 1 Clothes
Class 2 My family
Class 3 Land forms of India
Class 4 Forests of India / Culture and Heritage / Means of Transport
Class 5 World Wildlife Day
Class 6 Indus Valley Civilization
Class 7 Human Environment–Settlement,Transport and Communication
Class 8 Agricultural practices and Agro Based industries.
It was interesting and informative to see children display their models and explain them through zoom classes. E certificates were given for the 5 best models considering their creativity, cost effective and eco -friendly models. The students also uploaded the photographs on Google class rooms as part of Subject Enrichment Activity. It was wonderful to see the creativity and hard work put in by every Lourditeyear after year which proves that pandemic is no barrier to those who are willing to succeed.