Staff Enrichment Programme – Health Week 2022
“It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.” – Mahatma Gandhi
Lourdes Central School organised a talk for the staff in connection with ‘LCS Health Week’ on 24 June 2022 on the topic “Health and Wellness” in the A V Room.
Ms Flavia DCunha welcomed and introduced the Resource Person Ms Freeda Almeda.
The Principal spoke on the occasion and thanked the Resource Person for the session.
The Resource Person Ms Freeda Almeda who is a certified Health and Wellness Coach delivered an informative talk on managing and maintaining good health. She spoke about the health of people not only in India but globally. She gave a Power Point Presentation on the current health scenario. She stressed that changes in food habits and lifestyle leads to diseases. Height and weight of all the staff members was checked.
The session concluded with the vote of thanks by Ms Pamela Miranda.