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“The best gift we can give to our next generation is a green and clean world.”

Vanamahotsava, the festival of forests is celebrated throughout the country from 1st July to 7th of July every year. It is high time that we get inspired to plant a tree and save the planet. LCS Kindergarten celebrated the finale of the project on Saturday, 13th of July, 2024 under the theme “Plant and Save Trees” at the Pre Primary Hall.

The programme began by invoking God’s blessings through a serene prayer song thanking God for the beautiful nature around us by the KG choir.  The Principal, Rev Fr Johnson L Sequeira, Vice Principal, Ma’am Belita Mascarenhas and the parents witnessed the programme. The significance of the day was given by Jia Shetty   from KG 2A and  Preesha Soni from KG 2B.

In connection to vanamahotsava children from KG 2 spoke on different topics like Planting of more saplings, protection of fresh water resources, conserving our animals and birds, following the 3R’s Reduce, Reuse and Recycle and how use of plastic is harmful to mother earth. 

A song sung and dance drama was also performed by KG1 and KG2 students highlighting the importance of saving our Planet Earth by planting more saplings. 

Addressing the students, Principal Rev. Fr. Johnson L. Sequeira highlighted the importance of trees and said that we all can support the cleaner and greener environment by planting a sapling. He appreciated the little ones for putting up such a beautiful and meaningful programme. He appreciated the parents for their presence and also for taking keen interest in their child’s activities.

In connection with the project, Colouring and collage activity was held for the students of KG1 and KG2 on the 4th of July, 2024. All the students participated actively and positively. Winners were felicitated by the Principal.

The Principal along with the Vice principal, teachers, students and parents planted a sapling as a part of the project.

The programme concluded with a vote of thanks. Ms. Lavita D’souza, compered the whole programme welcoming and expressing her gratitude towards all.