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Class IX, A sample question paper of maths for practice is given to the students.  It should be solved.  Doubts can be clarified with the teacher.

Class 9 C : Reminder : Tomorrow (20.08.2016) there is Physics Test.  Topic : Forces and Laws of Motion (refer Text and Notes book). Bring 2 CCE sheets.

Dear Parents of Class VII, Pen Paper Test : FA 2, Day and Date : Monday, 22.08.2016, Subject : General Science, Portion : L 6 Physical and Chemical Changes.   Day and Date : Wednesday, 24.08.2016, Subject : Social Science, Portion : History L 5 Rulers and Buildings.

Dear Parents of Class VIII, Pen Paper Test : FA 2, Day and Date : Friday, 26.08.2016, Subject : General Science, Portion : L 11 Force and Pressure.


Dear Parents, Kindly note the following dates. 25/8 : Krishna Janmastami  – Holiday, 08/09 :  Nativity of Blessed Virgin Mary – Holiday, 07/10 : Open House – Compulsory Attendance,  08/10 to 20/10 : Mid Term Vacation, 21/10 : School reopens.  Attendance is compulsory.

Dear Parents of Class IX, There will be extra classes on 22/8, 23/8, 24/8, 29/8 and 30/8 from 2.15p.m to 3.00p.m.

Dear Parents of Class X : As the pre board starting from 01/09/2016. Please see that your wards study well. Let there be a study atmosphere at home. No mobiles to be given. No watching T.V. All family members must help in developing a conducive learning environment. Teachers are available for extra help. Do feel free to send your wards to them. SA 1 is equally important as SA II. We want them to score well in SA 1 so that SA 2 will not be a burden on them.


Class X Students: National Talent Search Examination (NTSE) 2016 will be held on 06.11.2016. Interested students may visit website for more details and downloading of application. Applications to be submitted to the School office along with the prescribed fees on or before 04.09.2016.

Class VI to XI Students: Vidyarthi Vigyan Manthan a National Talent Search Examination approved by CBSE will be conducted to provide a platform for inculcating and generating interest in pure science. For registration and other details kindly visit

As we step into our 70th Independence Day, We at Lourdes have organised a short Independence Day Programme. Students from Class 4 to 12 to report to School at 7.50a.m and they will be let off at 9.00a.m. Attendance for Classes IV to XII is compulsory. KG to Class III students need not attend.

“Try not to teach your fears to your kids. Introduce your children to what’s possible. Put your family, along with your health at the top of your priority list. Family matters”

Dear Parents of Class V to VII Dell Champs – Quiz challenge 2016. Eligibility – 2 member team. One student of Class V to VII and one adult (any family member above the age of 18). Venue: LCS auditorium. Time : 8.45a.m to 12.00 noon. Date : 08.08.2016. Interested student may contact Ms. Chandini Chitraveer – Computer Teacher by 04.08.2016.

Dear Parents, Kindly send Rs. 100 with your ward towards Education Board fee. Pay the same to the respective Class teachers tomorrow, 03.08.2016 without fail. Receipts will be issued for the same by the Class Teachers.

Dear Parents of Class VI to XII, If you want to take your ward from School during Class hours for any important work you can do so only during the Long Break i.e between 12.30p.m to 12.50p.m. No students will be allowed to leave their Class during regular class hours without prior permission.

Dear Parents of KG 1 to Class V, If you want to take your wards from School during Class hours you can take them only during the Long Break i.e between 11.45a.m to 12.10p.m. No students will be allowed to leave their Class during regular class hours with prior permission.

“The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, not to worry about the future or not to anticipate troubles but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly” – Gauthama Buddha.

Dear Parents, As per D.K Administration instructions there will be NO holiday tomorrow for the School. Hence the School will function as usual.

Dear Parents, We have got a stock of KG1, Class I, III, IV, VIII and few NCERT text books for sale. Limited copies are available. FIRST COME FIRST SERVE basis. The books will be available ONLY on 26 and 27 July 2016 between 8.30a.m to 10.00 and 10.45a.m to 12.15p.m. If you want to keep an extra copy of Text books you can purchase the same from the School stores.

Dear Parents, You are cordially invited for the LCS REGALE 2015 on 14th November 2015 from 9.00a.m to 1.00p.m. Looking forward for your generous contribution for the same.

08/11/2015 : Dear Parents Kids don’t value what we do to earn the money. They give value to what we do to earn their love. Lets give them what they value most our TIME. LCS REGALE 2015.

07/11/2015 : LCS Regale – 2015 A FUN FEST for Childrens day celebration at LCS Grounds on 14.11.2015.

Dear Parents, The School has not received the Aadhar No. of your ward. If u have not yet submitted, kindly send by tomorrow in the School diary page No: 80. If u have applied for the same but not recd. send the 14 digit registration number. The education dept. will make necessary arrangements to do the Aadhar Card for those who have not yet done. Hence this information is very important. Kindly Co operate.

Dear Parents of Class I to V, EVS project exhibition will be held tomorrow, 07.11.2015. Models should be brought in the morning. Students must bring only School diary, Pencil box, Water and Tiffin. (No books)

Dear Parents of KG Section, Open House Day for the KG 1 and KG 2 will be held tomorrow, 07.11.2015 from 8.00a.m to 11.30a.m. Child should accompany the parents with regular (brown) uniform.

Dear students enrolled in Scouts and Guides (Class VI to X) : In connection with the Founders day, there will be a procession tomorrow, 07.11.2015 from Scout Bhavan, via Ladyhill, Canara Urwa and Back to Scout Bhavan showing the importance of cleanliness of our surroundings. Enrolled students are requested to report to School at regular time with full Scouts/Guides uniform. To and fro arrangement will be done by the School.

Dear Parents of Class IX and X, Extra classes will be conducted from Monday, 09.11.2015 Time: 2.15p.m to 2.55p.m.

4/11/15 :
Dear Parents of KG I and KG II, Kindly acknowledge the receipt of the circular issued in respect of LCS REGALE 2015 on page 80 of the School Diary.

Dear Parents of Class I to XII, Kindly acknowledge the receipt of the circular issued in respect of LCS REGALE 2015 on page 45 of the School Diary.

Dear Parents of Class IX and X : This year there is No PSA exam conducted by CBSE Board.

Dear Parents of Class I to X, There will be NO FA3 and FA4 Exams. There will be continuous assessment. A test of 10 marks will be conducted after every lesson in each subject. Average score will be taken. Schedule of the Test: Monday : No Test, Tuesday : Maths, Wednesday : Hindi, Thursday : Science/EVS , Friday : English, Saturday : Social Science. Pupil pod message will be sent one week before the test.

2/11/15 :
Dear Parents of Class I to III, You are welcome to help your ward to write articles for the School magazine and submit to the Class teacher by 9th Nov. 2015 in A4 size paper.

Dear Parents of Class I to V, Kannada Singing Competition will be held on 11.11.2015.  Class I and II : Abhinaya Geethe (Action Song) Class III to V : Any Kannada Song.  Time limit is 2 minutes. Names to be given to the Class teacher by 09.11.2015.

Dear Parents of Class I to V, EVS Exhibition will be held on 07.11.2015.  All students to participate compulsorily. Students to make the EVS models as directed by the EVS Teachers and bring the same on 07.11.2015 (morning). Maths Exhibition is postponed to Feb. 2016.

28/10/2015 : Dear Parents, As the School will be let off at 12.30p.m today, 28.10.2015 there will not be any Extra Curricular Activities.  Kindly arrange to pick up your ward sharp at 12.30p.m.  All the Extra Curricular Activities will commence from tomorrow as per the Schedule.

17/10/15 : Dear Parents, Thank you very much for attending the Open House.  We wish all our students A HAPPY VACATION.

14/10/15 : Dear Parents of Class XI – XII, Open House Timings on Saturday, 17.10.2015.  Class XII – 8.00a.m to 9.30a.m  Class XI – 10.00a.m to 12.00noon.  Tomorrow, 16.10.2015 Class XI A and B will be let off at 12.30p.m and Class XI C will have a day off.  Mid Term vacation from 19/10/2015 to 27/10/2015.  Attendance is compulsory on the Closing (17/10) and Opening day (28/10). On 28/10/2015 School will be let off at 12.25p.m.  Parents kindly note, from the  II Term Class XI and XII Girls to wear Bata School Shoes and Boys Black Gola Shoes with Lace.  Strictly adhere to the rules.

14/10/15 : Dear Parents of Class X, Open House to view the Answer Scripts  will be on Friday, 16/10/2015 from 8.00a.m to 12 noon. There will be regular class on Saturday, 17/10/2015.   Mid Term vacation from 19/10/2015 to 27/10/2015.  Attendance is compulsory on the Closing and Opening day. On 28/10/2015 School will be let off at 12.25p.m.  Shoes for II Term Class X: Black Gola Shoes with Lace (Refer Diary page 43)

Dear Parents of Class I to IX, Open House to view the Answer Scripts  will be on Saturday, 17/10/2015 from 8.00a.m to 12 noon.    Mid Term vacation from 19/10/2015 to 27/10/2015.  Attendance is compulsory on the Closing and Opening day. On 28/10/2015 School will be let off at 12.25p.m.  Shoes for II Term Class KG to V : Black Gola Shoes Velcro,  Class VI to X: Black Gola Shoes with Lace (Refer Diary page 43)

Class I to IX Open House is on 17/10/2015.  Mid Term vacation from 19/10/2015 to 27/10/2015.  On 28/10/2015 School will be let off at 12.25p.m.  Shoes for II Term Class KG to V : Black Gola Shoes Velcro  Class VI to X: Black Gola Shoes with Lace (Refer Diary page 43)

Dear Parents,  Class 1 to 12,  Gandhi Jayanthi celebration on Friday, 02.10.2015.  Students should report at 7.50a.m in  P.T uniform.  School will be let off at 9.00a.m. Regular classes commence from 03.10.2015 to 17.10.2015.  Dasara vacation  from 18.10.2015 to 27.10.2015.  Attendance is compulsory on Gandhi Jayanthi (02/10), Closing day (17/10) and Reopening day (28/10) of the School.    KG students will be having holiday on Gandhi Jayanthi (02/10)