Adieu to the outgoing stars of LCS 2023
The two hardest things to say in this life are hello for the first time and goodbye for the last time.” – Maria Rogers
A Farewell programme for the three outgoing faculty members was organised at Lourdes Central School on 12th April 2023 at 2:30pm. It was the noon with mixed emotions for all present at the audio visual room to witness the official send off to our beloved teacher Ms Grace Roche, ancillary staff – Ms Philomena Periera and Ms Janet Peres.
The Principal Rev. Fr Robert Dsouza, the Manager Rev Dr. John Baptist Saldanha, the Vice Principals Ms Belita Mascarenhas and Ms.Anitha Thomas and the entire teaching and non-teaching staff were present. The three outgoing ladies, dressed in their finery were the centre of attraction.
The programme commenced with the prayer song followed by felicitating the retiring staff. Ms. Lydia Dsouza , Ms. Saira Pinto and Ms. Lolita Coelho shared their joyful and memorable experiences about Ms. Grace Roche, Ms. Philomena and Ms. Janet respectively.
Ms. Grace Roche who poured out her heart and thanked everyone, especially the present and former Principals and Managers of LCS.
The Principal of the school conveyed his best wishes and appreciated the retiring staff for their valuable service.
Fr. Manager urged the staff to imbibe a quality from each one them and that would be the best present for them.
Teachers wished all good to the stars through a song.The programme wound up with the refreshments.