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Blaze 2022 – AICS Basketball Tournament

They say that hard work beats talents when talent fails to work hard.It’s true, so keep working – Lebron James

With an aim to provide an opportunity to hone the talents of students, to build on skills and form new friendship,’Blaze-2022’  AICS Basketball Tournament was organized and hosted by Lourdes Central School on 3 November, 2022 at school ground and Mangala Stadium simultaneously. Athletes of 32schools of the association of ICSE and CBSE of D.K and Udupi districts gathered in the campus with great enthusiasm and sportsmanship spirit. The inauguration of the tournament began with a beautiful prayer song sung by the school choir which was followed by the exuberant   welcome address by the Vice Principal Ms. Anita Thomas. Rev Dr. John Baptist Saldanha, Manager, LCS, the Chief Guest Ms. Anuradha Shivram,Principal, Manipal School, Mangaluru, Rev.Fr. Robert DSouza- Principal, LCS, Rev Fr Jaison Pais, Mr. Ashok Pinto-the Vice President Bejai Pastoral Parish, Ms .Preethi Gomes-Secretary Bejai Pastoral Parishad , Ms.Rashmi DSouza- P.T.E.C  Vice President , Dr. John Pinto-Technical Advisor, Dr. Shakti Mani- Advisor, AICS Basketball, Mr Veerendra Alva-the Convener inaugurated the tournament by lighting the lamp.

 Ms Pamela Miranda introduced the Chief Guest Ms Anuradha Shivaram to the gathering and she was felicitated by the dignitaries.

The Chief Guest Ms Anuradha Shivaram enthused the athletes by her inspirational message and motivated the participants to make basketball as their profession if it is their real passion and to do everything they can to achieve success.

Addressing the participants Rev Dr John Baptist Saldanha in his Presidential address stated that when we come together we can always learn something new from others and he also encouraged the athletes to  give their best and bring name and fame to their school . He also urged the students to strive hard to get a place in the National Basketball team.

The beginning of the Tournament was marked by shooting up the hoop at the basketball court by the dignitaries and by declaring this great event open by the Chief Guest. Rev. Fr Robert DSouza, the Principal of the host school introduced the referees and a floral welcome was given by Mr Veerendra Alva. 

During Valedictory Ceremony Rev Fr Robert DSouza lauded the tireless efforts put in by each and every team and congratulated the winners.  Rev Fr Suraj Lobo-Asst Parish Priest, Bejai Parish felicitated the winners.

In Under 17 boys’ category Lourdes Central School and Mount Carmel School, Mangaluru emerged as the winners and runners up respectively. In girls’ category Mount Carmel School Mangaluru were declared as the champions and  Manipal School, Mangalurua s the runners.

Shubhan Das of Lourdes Central School and Maithili of Mount Carmel School  were declared as the ‘Best Player’ in emerged as the and boys’ and girls’ category respectively. Mr Shashank Rai, an International Basketball player was present and felicitated by the Principal Rev Fr Robert DSouza.

Ms Anitha Pinto extended her gratitude to all those who were responsible for making ‘Blaze-2022’ a grand success.  Ms Lynette Pinto and Ms Pamela Miranda compered the programme.