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Cultural Day of LCS Kindergarten 2021-22

The Cultural Day of LCS Kindergarten was celebrated on 18thMarch, 2022 at Bejai Church Hall. The Principal Rev. Fr. Robert D’Souza escorted the dignitaries on to the dais. The programme commenced at 9:30am with a prayer dance. AnjaliD’silva and Mohammed Masood, students of KG2 warmly welcomed the dignitaries and the audience to the occasion.

     Ms. Anita Veigas , Professor of English/Trainer was the Chief Guest while the Manager, Rev. Dr. John Baptist Saldanha presided over the function. The other dignitaries who graced the occasion included Rev. Fr. Suraj Lobo, Vice Principal Ms. Belita Mascarenhas, Mr. Ashok Pinto and Ms. Preethi Gomes, Vice President and Secretary of the Bejai Parish Pastoral Parishad. The co-ordinator of the kindergarten section, Ms. Lydia D’Souza introduced the Chief Guest to the gathering.

       Rev. Fr. Robert D’Souza, Principal of Lourdes Central School presented theAnnual Report of the kindergarten section for the year 2021-22.

The Chief Guest, Ms. AnitaVeigas, in her address said that children are the precious gifts and insisted the parents to spend enough time with their children and to be true and sincere to them through their words and actions always.  She also said that school plays an important role in the life of a child.  She opined, that the parents should allow the children to do the things that are in the interest of the child.

The Chief Guest was honoured on behalf of the school by our Manager, Rev. Dr. John Baptist Saldanha and by our Principal Rev. Fr.Robert D’Souza, followed by his Presidential address. He appreciated the children and said, it is a great thing that the child is able to come up to the stage and face the audience with great confidence. He also said, the upbringing of the children will be great if parents give them enough time and care. He also said that safe future of the child is assured with the feeling of one community and there should not be any divide and rule policy based on caste and community.

With this, the cultural programme commenced where the little Lourdites from the Kindergarten section showcase their talent through various dances, plays and singing. They highlighted the message of spreading “happiness and peace”which is the need of the hour. The various events have immensely enriched and inspired everyone to stay happy and joyous despite the hardships.

The programme concluded with the vote of thanks rendered by the tiny tots of KG1 and KG2 and by singing the National Anthem.