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Cultural Programme for the Independence Week 2022

The independence Week Cultural programme –AZADI KA AMRIT MAHOTSAV by the students of Classes I to III was held on 12th August 2022 in Bejai Church Hall at 9.a.m. The programme began by invoking God’s blessings with a prayer song by the students of Class III. The dignitaries Rev.Dr.John Baptist Saldanha, Manager LCS, Dr. Rashmi D’souza,Chief Guest, Rev. Fr. Robert D’souza,Principal LCS graced the occasion.

The students of Class II welcomed the gathering. The dignitaries together with student representatives inaugurated the cultural programme by opening the petals of the Lotus flower. The significance of the day was presented in English and Hindi by the children of Class III .The melodious patriotic songs by the students of Class KG-I and KG-II and Armaan from Class IV livened up the programme.

The students of Classes 1 and Class I D recited poems and Classes I A and I B performed action songs dedicated to our Country.

Rev.Fr.Robert D’souza, PrincipaI of LCS introduced the Chief Guest Dr.Rashmi D’Souza, Nutrition Therapist and ENT surgeon.  The dignitaries on the dais facilitated the winners.

The Chief Guest addressed the gathering and appreciated the Management, teachers and parents.  She also lauded the wonderful performance of the children. She added that we should be proud Indians and live the joy of freedom, we need to be grateful to those who shed their blood for our freedom and be respectful to those who guard the boarder of our Nation.

Rev.Dr.John Baptist Saldanha, Manager LCS in his Presidential address stressed on the importance of showing solidarity to our Nation. He mentioned that the parents play an important role in decision making and ruling the families. He added that a healthy child creates a healthy Nation, hence it is necessary to inculcate good values in the children and build a strong family.

The students of Class II performed a dance as a tribute to ‘Mother India’,followed by a patriotic song and a skit by Class III which highlighted ‘unity and Religious harmony’.

Vote of thanks was proposed by the children of Class I. The programme ended with the National Anthem.