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Fr Manager’s Birthday Celebration 2022

The reason being a person, who understands what life is, lives to the fullest extent exploiting one’s latent talents to enrich oneself and others and gaining sufficient knowledge and experience of men and matters to live a better life for the rest of one’s life. This is our dear Dr Rev. John Baptist Saldanha, Manager, Lourdes Central School. Who celebrated his FIFTY NINTH birthday today, the 28 October 2022.

The celebration started with a melodious rendition to the creator of life followed by prayers of intentions for the day.The dignitaries, the birthday celebrant, the faculty and the staff and the students were given a warm welcome by Jovila Rodrigues of class IX B. Ma’am Seema Lobo wished Father Manager on behalf of the Staff Committee and Jane Moras of class IX C felicitated the special guest with her beautiful words.

Father Manager was joyously wished with songs and flowers by the whole Lourdite family. So were the little Lourdites who shared their birth date with Fr Manager.

The influence of a great principal can never be erased. Rev. Fr Robert Dsouza, Principal, Lourdes Central School, delivered his beautiful message to Rev Dr John Baptist Saldanha which was well appreciated by the Birthday celebrant and also urged the whole Lourdite family to celebrate Principal’s FIFTIETH birthday in an extraordinary way in the coming year.

Fr Manager praised and thanked God for being generous and gracious to him and that he is born to live for others, to connect to people and contribute his mindful to Lourdes Central School and to the society in general. Father manager genuinely felt that his birthday is a stopover to recall all the blessings received from God. His words resounded philosophical thinking in saying his life is a deliberate choice made by God and his parents to see the light of the Earth. The spot light of the day urged the Lourdite family to stop negative attitude towards their life and cultivate positive vibes in them.

The newly ordained priest, a member of the school family Rev Fr Jaison Pais was honoured by the dignitaries with shawl, flowers and school memento.

The talented Lourdites of Senior Secondary division (the runner up team of the talent hunt contest at St Aloysius autonomous college) and the girls’ hand ball team ( winners of the district level hand ball tournament)  were congratulated and awarded prizes for  their great achievement.

With a smile on her face Anusha Nayak of class VIII B, proposed the vote of thanks.Anna Prashanth Manimala and Vishruth Boppe spread the fragrance of happiness all around with their commendable compering. The celebration concluded with the school anthem.

Following a meaningful celebration was also organised by the staff and management of Lourdes Central School.  The master of the ceremony, Ms Francisca welcomed a big gathering of dignitaries and the faculty and staff of LCS. 

The teacher’s choir greeted Fr Manager with a melodious song followed by floral wishing.  Father manager appreciated wholeheartedly the hard work of the staff of LCS and the wholehearted support of the management committee to maintain the standard of education at Lourdes Central School.  Fr Principal showed his love and respect with his beautiful words.  The celebration concluded with High Tea.

Let us pray that God may grant Dr Rev John Baptist Saldanha good health and peace of mind for the rest of his life and may our Mother of Lourdes intercede for him and keep him under her maternal mantle.