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Inauguration of the Silver Jubilee Building

Amidst the pleasant showers from the skies, on the 24th of June, 2022 came the showers of blessings upon the Silver Jubilee building of Lourdes Central School.

The much awaited event on the LSC calendar, the inauguration of the newly constructed silver jubilee building was held on the morning of 24th June, 2022. The programme commenced at 9:00am with the recieving of the guests, Rt Rev. Dr. Peter Paul Saldanha, the Bishop of Mangalore Diocese,  Rev Fr. Antony M Shera, the secretary of the Catholic Board of Education, Mr. Michael D’Souza, the Chief Guest of the day, Mrs Flavy D’ Souza, Rev Fr Valerian D’Souza, Rev. Dr. John Baptist Saldanha, Manager of LCS,  Mr Ashok Pinto the Vice President and Ms Preethi Gomes Secretary of Bejai parish Pastrolparishad with Indian traditional Aarathi and the School band. The guests were escorted to the venue by Rev. Fr. Robert D’Souza, the Principal and Ms. Anita Thomas, the Vice Principal in-chargealong with the Head boy and the Head girs of the school.

The ceremony began by creating a spiritual ambience witha prayer song sung by the members of the school choir followed by a graceful welcome dance by the students of class XI and XII.

As a symbol of knowledge and wisdom imparted to the student community, the lighting of the lamp was held by the dignitaries.

Rev. Dr. J BSaldanha welcomed the gathering as the students offered them flowers.Mr. Michael D’Souza and Ms.Flavy D’Souza unveiled the plaque and Bishop Rt.Rev. Peter Paul Saldanha led the prayer and blessed the new block.

The guest of honour, Rev. Fr. Antony M Shera, addressed the gathering where he expressed his profound thanks to the Prime donor, Mr. Michael D’Souza & his wife Ms.Flavy D’Souzafor their generosity. He also appreciated the efforts of all those who worked hard towards the growth of LCS in the past 24 years and advised the students to open their minds and hearts to learning.

The Engineer Mr George, Mr. Suresh D’Souza, the electrical contractor Mr Richard Rodrigues,the building contractor and work Supervisor Mr Richard D Souza were falicitated byRev. Fr. Antony M Shera,

Ms. Anita Thomas, the Vice Principal in-charge presented a brief introduction of the Chief Guest Mr. Michael D Souza to the gathering and gave an account of some of his philanthropic activities while Mrs &Mr. Michael D’Souza were falicitated by the dignitaries.

The Chief Guest Mr. Michael D Souza later in his speech said he was here with his wife to express his gratitude to the Principal, Rev. Fr. Robert D’Souza for working hard towards the building of the new block and called upon the secretary of the CBE to uplift all schools under the CBE with the help of the generous benefactors.

Rev. Dr. Peter Paul Saldanha, in his presidential address, congratulated the whole team for the venture of the jubilee block and urged the students to couple knowledge with love and transform knowledge into wisdom.

Also present at the function were Rev. Fr. Vilson L Vitus D’Souza, Rev. Fr. Suraj Lobo, Rev Fr. Vincent Sequeira, Sr. Sevrive, Mr. Henry D’Souza, Mr. Gratian Lobo, Mr. Joy Veigas, Mr. Jerry Lobo along with School management committee members- Mr. Arun D’Souza, Ms. Edweena Monis and Mr. Roman D’Souza Finance Committee members – Mr. Jude Goveas, Mr. Eric Coelho, Ms. Christine Sequeira, Ms. Irene Crasta, Mr.Nelsin Mascarenhas, Mr. Joseph D’Souza, Mr. Lovett D’Souza Charity Fund Members- Mr.Steevan Pinto, Mr. Oswald Rodrigues,  Mr. Nasir Rahaman School Parent-Teacher Executive Committee(PTEC) members – Dr.Rashmi Chrystal D’Souza the Vice President, Ms. Manisha Srivastav the Joint secretary, Mr. Jackery Furtado the legal advisor and the members of PTEC. Media coverage was given by Daijiworld, Mangalore Rev. Fr. Robert D’Souza, the Principal proposed the vote of thanks and the programme concluded with the school anthem.