KG Summer Amusement Camp 2023
Summer camp is about growth and accomplishment, not just to keep the kids busy
Camp itself tells us that it is a wonderful way to keep children occupied with creative activities which bring out the little child in all of us. Lourdes Central School organized one such lovely ” Summer Amusement Camp” for the little ones of Kindergarten which commenced on 4th April to 20th April.
The main purpose of this activity was to nurture in the kids building new friendships, enabling them to socialize with others, developing their self-confidence. Various activities like Yoga, Meditation, Zumba, Dance’, Singing, Colouring, Craft, extempore, Games were conducted.
Nearly 69 children from Kindergarten were enrolled for the camp to experience home away from home. The camp helped to bring out the hidden talents like Socializing skills, confidence, pick and speak in the children. The teachers’ creative ideas also was brought out through this camp.
Various games like musical chair, bombing the city, tug of war, four corners balancing balloons were conducted, which the children enjoyed. Colourful drawing scenery and craft activities like
paper folding, making windmill with colourful papers, wall hanging with paper plates and maple leaves. Stories like punyakoti the cow, Hansel and Gratel, Honest woodcutter were narrated and dramatized. Pick and speak on toys like cow, teddy, car, book was conducted to build confidence in speaking.
An Educational and recreational outing to Gandhi Park under the
instructions of Principal Rev Fr Robert DSouza was organized.
The Finale of Summer Amusement Camp was conducted on 20th April at 10.15am in Kindergarten Activity Hall. Vice Principal Ms Anita Thomas and huge crowd of parents were