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Parent –Teacher Interactive Session -1

“Every Interaction is an opportunity to learn”

The first parent teacher Interactive – online session was held class wisefrom      Class KG to XII. The sessions began with invoking God’s blessings and thanking the almighty for his abundance of blessing showered on our Lourdite family.

The session co-ordinator welcomed the Principal Rev Fr Robert D Souza, Vice Principal Ms Belita Mascarenhas, the subject teacher and the parents. A brief working of our school’s rules, regulations,and Exam/Test patterns was briefed during the meeting.

It was followed by a warm and genial interaction by the parents wherein they had numerous queries regarding the online schooling and other academic related doubts. 

They were clarified by the Principal Rev Fr Robert D Souza in an explicit manner. A few of them were regarding

  • Collection of books for new admission, for which the Principal replied that after the lockdown opens up they would be intimated.
  • Students had internet issues and often were disconnected fromthe online classes, for which he replied that the teacher would be inform to keep a watch on such students and admit them again to the class.
  • The Principal also requested the parents to communicate all information regarding their wards through the classwise whatsapp group, especially the issues of sickness or any other absence must be immediately intimated to the class teacher.
  • He reiterated that all parents must stick to the official school whatsapp group and avoid making other whatsapp groups as it causes confusion and uncertainty amongst the parents.
  • He thanked the parents for the cooperation and support during last year online class and inspired them to continue their support this year too.
  • The parents voiced their support and thanked the Principal for starting the online classes in time so that no child would be left behind as far as academics is concerned. They thanked him for all the scholastic and co – scholastic activities done last year and hoped they would be continued even this year.
  • They thanked the Principal saying that even if it was online classes students did not miss out any co -scholastic activities and that they enjoyed participating in all of them.
  • Overall the Integrative session was an excellent platform wherein both parents and staff had an overall review of online classes and they also were made aware of better performance throughout this academic year.