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Parent-Teacher Interactive Session 2022- Class 2

The Parent-Teacher Interactive Session is a forum for teachers and parents to work in collaboration for the holistic development of the students and the school community.

The Parent-Teacher Interactive Session for class 2 was held on 9 June 2022 from 8.30a.m. to 9.30a.m. in the Audio-Visual Room. The programme began with a melodious prayer song by the students of class 2. Ms Sangeetha Salins welcomed the august gathering. The Subject Teachers introduced themselves. Ms Sunitha, the Exam Cell Coordinator briefed on the Structure of Assessment. Ms Apoline Lobo, the Discipline Incharge for Primary Classes, spoke on the rules and regulations of the school and highlighted the importance of coming early, having good food, personal cleanliness and packing bags according to the Timetable.

The PTA members for the year 2022-23 were elected from classes 2 A, B, C and D.

Class 2A – Dr Mrinali Shetty – Parent of Maya Shetty

Class 2B – Ms Sharon Periera – Parent of Katelyn

Class 2C – Mr Vijay Mayya – Parent of VedanthMayya

Class 2D – Mr Yusuf Ilias – Parent of Nooh Bin Yusuf

All queries of parents on curricular and co-curricular activities were answered and doubts clarified by the Principal.

The Principal Rev. Fr Robert D’Souza spoke on the occasion and encouraged the parents to motivate their children in creative work and not to burden them with too many extra-curricular activities. He mentioned that every child is a genius hence parents and teachers should share the responsibility and nurture the child. He also stressed on carpooling and insisted that parents follow the safety rules so that their children follow their footsteps.

The Interactive Session ended with the Vote of Thanks by Ms Deekshitha at 9.30a.m.