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Parent-Teacher Interactive Session 2022 – Class 5

Parents and teachers who work together are unstoppable

Lourdes Central School always encourages parent’s active participation in the school activities and their opinions are incorporated in the planning of the academic activities. To strengthen the bond between the parents and the school, the first parent teacher interactive session for class 5 was held on 08.06.2022 in the school AV room between 9:30 am to 10:30am. The session began with the prayer song sung by the students of class 5. Ms. Tresa Monteiro welcomed the principal, vice principal, parents and the teaching and non teaching staff. Teachers introduced themselves to the gathering. Ms. Suneetha K, Exam cell Coordinator briefed about the assessment pattern for the academic year 2022-2023.   Ms. Anitha Thomas, Vice principal, explained the rules and regulations of the school and advised the parents to oblige by the same. Ms. Flavia Dcunha and Ms. Vanitha Gogare conducted the election for the PTEC and the following were elected as the representatives.

Class 5 A     Ms. Garima Yadav

Class 5 B    Ms. T. Judy Silvia

Class 5 C    Mr. Ganesh K

Class 5 D    Mr. Kiran S Bangera

Then the session was kept open for the feedback and suggestions. Principal Rev. Fr. Robert D’souza answered all the queries.

Q1: Separate eating place for Brahmins

A: It has to be discussed, reflected and will be intimated to them

Q2: Introduction of Sanskrit in primary classes

A: Right now it is available on request for the higher classes. Not for lower classes.

Q3:  To give maths sums everyday as home work

A: (Parents answered this query) It can be done by the parents as already many sums are solved by the teacher.

Q4: To give more reading work in Hindi and Kannada

A: Teachers have been doing the practice work.

Q5: To introduce NCC in the school

A: Because of technical reason it’s not possible. But the efforts to introduce will continue.

      To give more importance to what we have like scouts and guides.

Q6: To give chance, to be in two clubs at the same time

A: It is not possible as it is a structured system. If the students are willing, they can change their club in the coming year. The difference between extracurricular activities and club activities were explained and doubts were clarified.

Q7: To stop ragging in the class

A: Not to use such high words and misunderstand the behavior of the children. It’s just a misbehavior not ragging. To look at the positive and brighter side of the people. To help children build strong relationship with each other

Q8: To give chances to review the books read during the library period

A: It will be done and the motto of Reading Mission was explained. Parents were requested to encourage the children to read at home.

Later, Father Principal addressed the parents and advised them to learn to appreciate the good work done by the students, teachers and the management and help the students to develop good food habits. Students need to be sensitive towards have-nots.  He urged the parents not to compromise with the discipline and values for simple reasons, instead motivate them to be more value based and goal oriented.   He encouraged the parents to help students develop the reading habits even at home and prepare themselves for the UPSC and KAS exams. He concluded his address saying that “Lets hear more success stories of our students”.

The session ended with the vote of thanks by Mr. Roshan Cordiero. Nearly 136 parents attended the session and it was a grand success.