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Parent-Teacher Interactive Session-Class 9-10 2024-25

The Parent-Teacher Interactive Session for classes 9 and 10 was held on June 14th, 2024, at 8:30 a.m. at the Bejai Church Hall. The meeting saw a large turnout of parents, reflecting the enthusiasm and commitment of the LCS community.

The session began with a beautiful prayer song by the school choir, setting the tone for a productive and positive interaction between parents and teachers. Ms. Shamitha Machado, in her welcome address, thanked the parents for their presence and active participation.

The subject teachers then introduced themselves, providing an opportunity for parents to get acquainted with their ward’s teachers. The Manager, Rev. Fr. John Baptist Saldanha, welcomed everyone and introduced the new Principal, Rev. Fr. Johnson L. Sequeira. He expressed his joy and confidence in having found a dynamic leader to carry forward the good work of the former Principal, Rev. Fr. Robert D’Souza.

Rev. Fr. John Baptist Saldanha also emphasized that Rev. Fr. Johnson L. Sequeira is promising and will take LCS to greater heights.

Ms. Deepa D’Souza presented a brief overview of Lourdes Central School, highlighting its mission and vision. The subject coordinators then presented detailed information on their respective subjects and exam specifications.

The Principal, Rev. Fr. Johnson L. Sequeira, addressed the parents, welcoming them to the session and outlining his plan for the academic year 2024-25. He emphasized the importance of parental support in nurturing their wards’ educational journey and urged them to motivate their children to develop a study culture that is essential for success.

The floor was then opened for a question-and-answer session, where parents put forth their doubts and concerns. The teachers addressed these queries efficiently, providing valuable insights and guidance.

The session also included the election of parent representatives, conducted by Ms. Harshitha.

The following are the names of the representatives for classes IX to X

Class IX A – Ms Lovelita Monteiro

Class IXB – Mr Vijaya Nandavara

Class IXC – Ms Asma Eram

Class IXD – Mr Mallayya C Hiremat

Class XA – Ms Hafsa Naymath

Class XB – Dr Ashwin Rai

Class XC – Ms Suma Pavithran

Class XD – Ms Dishal D mello

In conclusion, Ms. Gretta proposed a vote of thanks to all who had contributed to making the session a success.

Overall, the Parent-Teacher Interactive Session was a fruitful platform for parents and teachers to come together and work towards creating a supportive environment that fosters academic excellence and personal growth for our students