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Call Us Now: 0824-2223366


‘If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself’ -Henry Ford

With an aim to have a constructive academic year an interactive session for class III parents was held on 7th June 2017 at 11.00a.m in the school AV room.

The session began with a prayer song led by the class III students. Ms. Shiny Tellis welcomed the gathering . The subject teachers introduced themselves to the parents.

Ms. Sunitha the exam coordinator for class I- V briefed the parents about the new system of the examination and periodic tests. Parents clarified their doubts regarding the two terms and the examination system. New parent representatives were elected for class III A and C sections . As no parent volunteered to be the representative for class III A and D sections, Principal suggested that he would nominate the representatives for those sections.

Principal Rev. Fr. Robert D’Souza encouraged the parents to spend their valuable time with the children. He urged the parents to speak positively about the school and the teachers in the parent fraternity and especially in front of their wards.

The meeting concluded at 11.50 a m with the vote of thanks propsed by Ms. Lakshmi Bhat. Ms. Deepika Fernandes compered the programme.