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Class 1- Report of the parent teacher interactive

 Session held on 8-6-2017


The parent teacher interactive of class I commenced at 11.10  a.m. with a prayer song, Ms. Pamela Miranda welcomed the gathering. The teachers introduced themselves & Ms. Apoline the co-ordinator briefed on the new pattern of periodic and Term test assessments introduced by the CBSE.

Later the parents cleared their queries.

New parent representatives were elected from all the classes.

Principal Rev. Fr. Robert D’Souza addressed the gathering and encouraged parents to be closer to their children at home by teaching them to do daily chores. He told the parents to bring their wards in time to school.  He asked them to motivate their wards positively to come to school daily and to speak good about school and children.

The session ended at 12.20 with vote of thanks proposed by Ms. Francisca Mendes.

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