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Re-opening of Kindergarten Section 2022

A New School Year means New Beginnings, New Adventures and New Challenges– Denise Witmer

As the school bell rings for the new academic year 2022 – 2023 Lourdes Central School the Kindergarten Section began on 31.05.2022. The campus of LCS was beaming with expressions of joy, anxiety, fear, confidence and enthusiasm in the minds of the parents and the little ones.

The children and parents were welcomed in the beginning by enthusiastic and dynamic Principal Rev Fr Robert D’Souza. He welcomed with words of appreciation to the parents for choosing LCS as the platform for their childrens overall and academic growth. He introduced the teachers to the parents and requested the parents to be confident and make their wards independent. He spoke about the amenities which will be exclusively provided for the Kindergarten children. Principal also told the parents that the children are safe in our campus and the teachers are like their second mother’s.  The coordinator Ms Lydia D’Souza also welcomed the parents and students and requested to work as a partner with positive mind of framework for the development of their child.

The program invoked God’s blessings through a prayer song. As a memory a picture was clicked with every student, parent, Fr Principal and the co-ordinator. After the photo session the child was handed over to their respective class teacher. The children were made comfortable in their classes and a lollipop given to the children of Kindergarten brought smile to their faces at the relieving time.

The opening day of the child will be a memorable day for them, wishing them a year to be bright and unique filled with good wishes.