Talent Search- June 2022
“Talent is a tree that continuously cares and tends to blossom and bear one day the fruit of perfection”
On 25th June 2022 Lourdes Central School organised ‘Talent Search’ for the students of classes 11 and 12 in the audio-visual room. The programme began with a prayer song, sung by the school choir. Andrea Nicole Menezes of class 12 A, welcomed the gathering. The Principal Rev Fr Robert D Souza Inaugurated the Talent Search by lighting the lamp. TheVice-Principal, Mrs Anita Thomas and the programme coordinator Mr Girish Suvarna also joined in the inauguration.
The event began with Eastern singing (solo), followed by western singing and ended with instrumental music. The competition was judged by Mrs Linet Pereira and Mrs Seema Lobo, two renowned singers of LCS. The programme concluded with a vote of thanks by Vernon Christopher Dantes of class 11B.